Home / Markets News & Opinions / Newsweek Journalist Leah Goodman Broke Law to Reveal “Face behind Bitcoin,” Dorian Nakamoto Claims

Newsweek Journalist Leah Goodman Broke Law to Reveal “Face behind Bitcoin,” Dorian Nakamoto Claims

Last Updated March 4, 2021 4:45 PM
Justin OConnell
Last Updated March 4, 2021 4:45 PM

Dorian Nakamoto, the Los Angeles-area man Newsweek claimed, was the creator of Bitcoin, recently held an AMA on Reddit. The creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, disappeared after his invention began gaining mainstream attention. In early 2014, Leah Goodman published a story for Newsweek claiming Dorian was Satoshi. Dorian denied this accusation. During the AMA, Dorian unveiled that, in her pursuit of a story, Goodman broke the law. The Newsweek article opens with an account involving two police officers.

…Now face to face, with two police officers as witnesses, Nakamoto’s responses to my questions about Bitcoin were careful but revealing.

Tacitly acknowledging his role in the Bitcoin project, he looks down, staring at the pavement and categorically refuses to answer questions.

“I am no longer involved in that and I cannot discuss it,” he says, dismissing all further queries with a swat of his left hand. “It’s been turned over to other people. They are in charge of it now. I no longer have any connection.”

For the first time, Dorian breaks down how he believes his words were manipulated:

  1. Ms. Goodman replaced my conditional: “Even if I was involved …” and, I further explained that I cannot disclose my work due to the engineer creed not to discuss employers sensitive information which we signed before we are employed. At the time, without knowing Bitcoin, I thought she was asking about my work at Citibank.

  2. Whether I am Satoshi Nakamoto of Bitcoin creator.

  3. This is what exactly happened. Leah stalked me to come out and stayed ~45 minutes at my door steps which is later I’ve found not lawful. Then she had disappeared. I saw her walking away from our driveway, around the front sidewalk, turned abruptly back toward our house, looked like she was heading toward my side door. So I called the sheriff. She then re-appeared with her car (which she parked away from my site when she knocked on my door) while I was talking to the two officers on my driveway. I’ve told the two officers that I did not want to talk to the reporter. But the 2nd sheriff after talking to Leah came back to me (he went to talk to Leah in her car out on the street) and advised me to talk to her else she won’t go away. That sheriff supposed to be on my side. I was not like a celebrity who would be badgered like this daily and I gave in.

Dorian could not believe how quickly the article changed his life: “…I didn’t think her visit can do that so fast, so far,” he wrote. He admits that he has gained some notoriety since the story was published.

“…I still meet people in the groceries here, post office, and even at my fav., Carls Jr Hamberger place as well as the IPS machine shop suppliers and adult class instructors both in El Monte as well as at my local bank tellers,” he wrote. Overall, he thinks the experience was a positive.

“Yes, positive to get to know people here and to meet people to whom I owe making us overcome humiliation of forced publicity without any chance of prevention,” he says of the experience. 

He has a message for Satoshi.

You’ve done a great service to us all. Thank you. What’s your next offering?

Newsweek stands to this day behind their journalist. Leah Goodman appears to be a fan of Bitcoin:

For the AMA, click here. 

Image from Shutterstock.